Daniel's Update, Week 10

Saturday, July 6th, 10 pm Jim reports that today was an interesting day. He continues to become more alert as the sedation is decreased. Tomorrow he should be off the sedation and then only the pain mendication remains as an IV drip. Everything else is on an as needed basis. When Daniel wakes, he is alert up to an hour, twice a day. He smiled at some of the pictures and stuffed animals that Toni shows him and also smiled when he saw the card that Shelley Velasquez made for him. [Shelley made Daniel a card with different personalities (such as Lucy and Rickie...Bruce Lee...although Daniel's face was superimposed on their faces). All this recognition and increased awareness is wonderful...and are progressive steps. The doctors recommended that when Jim, Emily and Betsy call, that Toni place the phone so that Daniel can hear. Jim talked to Daniel tonight and he seemed responsive. Toni and Jim are especially pleased with Daniel's progress the last few days.

Sunday, July 7th, 8:30 pm Today was another good day...Daniel's stats were good all day and he gripped the nurse's hand. When they asked him if he would like to watch TV, Daniel nodded yes. He also looks around the room slowly. The nurses told Toni that they think Daniel understands when someone speaks to him. But, because of the medications, he becomes amnesiac and may drift off a bit. This is not unusual. He is coughing more which is good. Oxygen is at 45% and he was awake most of the day today. Jim talked to him tonight and at the end of the conversation, when Jim was telling Daniel how much he means to him, and how happy he was with his progress, Daniel cried. So did Jim when he heard of Daniel's understanding and response. All good news today!

Monday, July 8th, 8:30 pm I spoke to Toni tonight and she had an entire outline of things to tell all of us.

What a day!

Tuesday, July 9th, 8:45 pm Jim's Mom headed home today and, in another kind gesture, the Director of the Fisher House, Jerry Jenson, took her to the airport. Toni told Jim "Be prepared to see your son." Since the swelling has gone down and the tubes have been removed, Daniel is re-emerging. Jim will travel there on Saturday. The tube in the mouth was moved to Daniel's stomach. When Toni came in today, she took Daniel's hand. He then raised her hand to his lips to kiss her hand. Unbelievable... Nurse Stephanie's last day was today so she stopped by to say goodbye to Daniel. He lifted his hand to say goodbye. Yes, it was a Diana Krall day; Toni said it is truly beautiful...and it sent Daniel into a deep sleep...go figure, Michael Hawkins! Daniel was able to take a call from Betsy today but was exhausted after the call. He seems to be working so hard to recover. All good news today...

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 Jim reports tonight that the leg machine is back on to start and exercise his legs for ramge of motion. In physical therapy Daniel is picking up the monkey and moving it. He was awake most of the day. He is smiling at the nurses. Toni read three chapters of Harry Potter today. Toni asked him later if he wanted Diana Krall music or that of Cassidy (?) and Daniel picked Diana Krall. It was a peaceful day...

Thursday, July 11, 2002 8:30 pm Jim came over tonight to visit Mindy for her 19th birthday. He gave us the following report:
-- Daniel had a urinary tract infection today with a 103 temp...but the fever was going down tonight.
-- Daniel appears to have a lot of anxiety and the doctors are dealing with that. He may have symptoms similar to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
-- The oxygen is back to 50%.
-- Daniel tried to assist with his own bath today...he grabbed the wash cloth and helped to wash himself.
-- He is still smiling at the nurses.
-- Dr. Sacaris would like to get him a new bed so that he can sit up.
All in all, it was a "slow" day, according to Toni.

Friday, July 12, 2002 9:20 pm Daniel was put in a new bed today. This one can sit him up but they haven't tried that yet. They reduced the oxygen to 40% and turned down the pressure some more while he was asleep. He did very well with those changes. Today Emily Fox got to talk to Daniel. Toni shampooed Daniel's hair today, this was the first time they have done that. Up until now, they were just washing it with a cloth. Daniel was able to mouth something to Toni. He mouthed "I love you" and then he was trying to mouth something else but all Toni could make out was "I want" and not the rest. Daniel tried to write but he's not able to yet. A close friend once taught Toni to say the alphabet and on the letter he wants, he can squeeze her hand. He was able to spell out "inh" and Toni could figure out that he wanted the inhaler. When Toni was leaving she asked Daniel if he would like to listen to David Bowie or Diana Krall and he chose Diana Krall.

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